This getting started guide will walk you through Sypht’s app and teach you how to:
- Create an account
- Upload documents
- Extract data
- Fix data
- Export data
BUT, honestly, the best way to get started with Sypht is to skip this document , create an account (LINK) and follow the Platform Tour available from the Help menu. The Platform Tour will nicely walk you through all the key aspects of Sypht and save you from having read all the stuff below. Highly recommend it.
Create an account
To create an account, pop over to the Sypht registration page.
Fill out your First Name, Last Name, Business Email, Company Name, Country, and any other required details. Our sign-up forms are pretty crisp, so sign-up takes a second.
Go to your email and open the Welcome to Sypht! email and verify your email account.
NOTE: Your trial account is free for three months (if you want an extension just ask, we’re more than happy to )
Welcome to the Sypht App
Once you log in, you’ll be forwarded to our Documents page. This is the heart of the Sypht app. It’s where all the processing and hard work happens.
Again, we suggest you skip reading all this stuff about Sypht and use our Platform Tour, shown in the screen capture below. It’s more fun to do and learn rather than read, isn’t it?
Upload your documents
Likely, you’ll want to upload a set of documents to try out our AI processing power.
To upload documents :
In the page, click the Upload icon.
In the Upload documents dialog box, you can either
Drag files you want to process into the dialog box
OR -
Click Browse to select the files using your file explorer
Extract the data
Once your files successfully upload, you’ll want to extract the data from them.
To extract data from a document:
In the page, click the checkbox of the document to extract.
Click the Extract button to begin extraction.
In the extraction queue dialog box, select the AI Product and then click the Queue button to start the extraction.
NOTE: extraction time depends on the number of documents selected and the type of AI product you’re using.
Once the extraction completes, the document will appear in the Documents page with the AI Products used to extract it and the extraction time.
Fix the data
Once you extract your document’s data, you can fix its processed fields and verify they are correct by creating a Fix Task.
To fix an extracted document:
Select the extracted document’s checkbox and click the Fix button.
In the Add task to selected documents dialog box, select the task specification and click the arrow to : A.) create a fix task and B.) open the fix task.
NOTE: Tasks are linked to documents in the Tasks column. See the image below for an example.
3. In the Fix screen, you can make adjustments by:
- Enter manually – Manually specify a value for the field.
- Select values – Click to highlight the correct data on the document that matches the field.
- Select table – Click and drag a rectangle around the table you are annotating. Then confirm the items in the table or by saving the table at the bottom of the screen.
Once you have reviewed all the fields, click the Submit button to finalise the fix task.
Export the data
Our export options enable you to export the extracted data in .CSV format. Be aware that export options depend on the type of AI Product used to extract the data.
To export the data:
In the page, click the checkbox of the document(s) to export.
Click the Export button
In the Export dialog box, specify the following:
Original source file – includes the original source file with the download.
Extracted data (predictions) as .csv – Exports the extracted data in a .CSV file
(options: specify fields, layout, collapsing data, and delimiter type